At GCCM, we believe everyone is precious and deserves to be S.E.E.N.

Supported. Equipped. Empowered. Nurtured.

GCCM is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to gathering and managing essential resources, both financial and otherwise. We aim to spread the Love and Power of God through practical means. Our primary focus involves supporting missionary projects in marginalized regions, providing humanitarian aid, empowering leaders, and nurturing the next generation through education to create positive change.

Come, Give, Pray that they might have Life!

Come, Give, Pray that they might have Life!

You may never visit the most underserved areas of the world. You may never hear the cry of the hungry, hurting, and hopeless. But you CAN help provide the solution.

Through your prayers and giving, we can change our world one person at a time and create a lasting legacy for future generations.

Will you answer the call to be part of something meaningful today?

To the One in Need, Your Gift Makes A World of Difference!

“ family was destroyed but, I found a greater family that supported me in everything, and for this, I am thankful” - Anila

Meet Anila

Anila is one of our dedicated teachers at the Children's Bible School (CBS) in Durrës, Albania. We recall one of the Bible studies Anila attended when she told us that her landlord made a distressing threat – he had just informed her that he would take her two young daughters and sell them if she didn't pay her back rent within 24 hours.

This is Anila’s story in her words:

Anila’s story is a remarkable example of how the Love of God can bring life-changing transformations. It is also a testament to the impact of prayer and giving of compassionate, generous people like you that makes it all possible.

  • I have many testimonies in my life, and I receive many answers to my prayers. Jesus, my Saviour, saved me and became everything to me, my friend, my sister, my father. But now I will tell you the main testimony of my life, how He found me. I thank God unceasingly for all the opportunities He gave to me, but the testimony I am with you is sealed in my heart. I was only two months into my marriage, and my husband died in an accident while I was pregnant. I gave birth to a girl named Sara, and I lived with my parents and my brother for many years. I decided to find a job, and I started working in a kitchen where I met the chef of the kitchen. Even then, I decided that I did not want to connect with any more men, but his steadfastness and perseverance made me decide for him. We rented a house and had a good time. In this living together, we had a girl called Angela. Now when Angela was 18 months old, her father got involved in some big troubles, and in that period of time, my mum died. I didn’t pay attention to my mother at that time due to the problems with my own circumstances. Without knowing at all what was going to happen, I went out to search for a new house for rent, and I was not aware of why I was searching for this house. I found a house, and I moved there on the same day – it was Christmas Eve – and on that night, I did not know the meaning of Christmas.

    The next morning I met a lady that I had met at Sara’s school, and I asked her, “Where are you going?” and she told me to “to church”. So I asked her if I could come with her, with the thought of just going out of the house because I was feeling sad. I took my daughters, and I came to the church with this lady, who was called Bardha. In the beginning, it was not that I understood a lot, but I said the prayer of salvation, which brought a big change in my life. A while after that, Angelas’ Father left me without saying a word, so I was left alone with no income and two daughters in the midst of the street. I was with rent and had nothing. But now it was different; this time, I had the Lord inside of me, which was giving me strength to continue. Inside I have His peace and His joy. I have a peace inside of me that I did not know of its origin. Every day in the evening, I was praying with my daughter Sara that God could allow us to get a house with no rent, and it was not long after that Valbona and Pastor found me a house that was much cheaper and above this they arranged payment of the rent and the biggest blessing in my life was Valbona and Pastor. I thank God every day for them because, through them, God gave me a reason to live and to help my daughters grow. Sara is now 20 and is studying Bank Finance at University (She is now on the board of the foundation), and Anxhela is 12 in the 6th grade. Although we have gone through struggles, we have made it because God has been with us, and He is our stronghold and protection. The joy and the strength of the Lord is every day present in my life. I thank Pastor and Valbona, who trust me to work with the little children from 3 to 6 years old for over 10 years now. The difficulty of raising two daughters myself is still present, but with the Lord by my side and the strength He has given me, I can work 2 jobs so our needs can be fulfilled. At the same time, I lost my mum, and my family was destroyed, but I found a greater or bigger family that supported me in everything, and for all of this, I am thankful and grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for everything He has done in my life!

    With Love and Respect, Anila.

Click Here and decide today to be part of many more stories just like this!

  • “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

    Matthew 25:40

GCCM Addressing Real Needs with Tangible Solutions

Over 27 Years Of Love In Action

Global Christian Centre Ministries (GCCM) became a registered charitable organization in 2001. GCCM is guided by a Board of 5 Directors who oversee and provide leadership in all its endeavours. We began as a support structure and covering for the missionary work that had started in Albania in 1995.

And we didn't stop there…

A Small Organization with Big Hearts and Global Reach!

Over the years, our global reach has expanded to Albania, Kosovo, Romania, India, and the Philippines, where we serve local and national communities with an emphasis on providing services to families and individuals in need and promoting a life of natural and spiritual balance.

Making Real Impact…

The Durrës Christian Centre Foundation (DCCF), an initiative of GCCM established in 1996, has been acknowledged by the Albanian government as an organization that has succeeded in developing effective leaders, contributing towards poverty reduction and economic development of the nation through its programs and services.

Did You Know?

Albania was once ruled by a dictator who declared he had ‘killed God’ and proclaimed himself as the sole object of worship, rendering Albania isolated from the Gospel and humanitarian missions until 1992.

“I thank God for sending missionaries from around the world to share the gospel in Albania”
- Dhurata Laska

Want to see more lives transformed by the power of God in Albania and beyond?

Every donation to GCCM and our ministry worldwide is tax deductible.

What You Give Today Affects Eternity!

The GCCM Leadership Board of Directors

  • David J Pennoyer


    David started full-time ministry in 1973 and has pastored several churches in British Columbia, Canada. He has been to over 27 countries, ministering in 18 of them. David went to Albania in 1995 and, while there, started Global Christian Centre Ministries with his wife, Valbona. Together, they continue to direct the ministry of GCCM from Calgary, AB, Canada. David’s heart desires to see the Glory of God manifested in our daily lives regularly in signs, wonders, and miracles. He believes as it has been said, "If you don't have a World Vision, you have no vision at all."

    Would you like David to come and share the mission of GCCM with your church or organization? [Click Here to Contact]

  • Gene Cooper

    Following his high school graduation, Gene embarked on an educational journey that culminated in attaining both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree. Throughout a career spanning over three and a half decades, he channeled his passion for education by teaching in public schools and at the community college level.

    Gene's life took a profound turn when, as a founder and pastor of Harvest Time Christian Church in Warren, Michigan, he received a divine calling to become an Apostle to the nations. Since then, Gene's apostolic ministry has led him to bring the message of faith and love to the far reaches of the world, including southern Russia, the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Albania, Guatemala, Peru, and Chile.

    Gene's personal life is equally inspiring. He has been happily married for over six decades and is a father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.

  • Dan Eagle

    Dan began full-time ministry in 1985 and has served as the senior pastor of Connaught Heights Pentecostal Assembly in New Westminster since 2002. Beyond his pastoral duties, he is an avid football fan. He has served as the Coquitlam Express Junior A Hockey Team chaplain since the fall of 2021. Dan shares his life with his wife, Barb, and they have two children and five grandchildren. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Studies from Trinity Western University and Canadian Pentecostal Seminary.

  • Bert Phagan

    Bert, a seasoned music minister with a service history in prominent American churches, answered a divine calling that led him to Europe. As the founder and devoted Pastor of Praise Center Brussels Belgium, established in 1996, Bert has dedicated over 26 years to ministry within the heart of Europe, extending his outreach to the Balkans.

    For over a decade, he has taken biannual trips to Albania and consistently visited and supported ministries in Albania to contribute to the ongoing work there.

  • Bob Webster

    Bob, a retired Pastor, resides in Edmonton alongside his wife, Sandra. His connection with Global in Albania and the Pennoyers dates back to the late 1990s. Bob has faithfully served on the GCCM board for over a decade. His passion for spreading love and faith has led him to embark on two remarkable journeys to Albania with his wife, Sandra, and a church team. These experiences have left an indelible imprint on his heart and inspire his ongoing commitment to global ministry.

    Bob enjoys various pastimes such as tending to yard work, leisurely walks, reading, and relishing every moment spent with his grandchildren.

GCCM: Making a Difference One Life At a Time

Our Core Values

  • As followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are compassionate to the needs of the poor and hurting. We bear witness to the life-transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through humanitarian efforts, spiritual mentorship, and training.

  • We believe the Bible is the inspired, sole infallible, authoritative word, revealing God's Love for the World. As such, we hold up the Bible as our all-sufficient rule of faith and practice.

  • We have a long history of financial integrity. We handle resources with wisdom and discernment rooted in years of pastoral and mission-based work.

  • All people are valuable to God. We value people of all ages, creeds, and socio-economic backgrounds.

  • Through needs assessment and due process, we partner with others to fulfill the Greatest mission on earth.

  • We believe in mentoring today's and tomorrow's leaders through education, spiritual guidance, and leadership resources.

It has been said: “If you don't have a World Vision,
you have no vision at all."

For the Poor of Albania and Beyond

Humanitarian Efforts - Food Bank
    • Feeding Programs

    • Orphans and Widows

    • Clothing

    • Relief Aid

Education and Childcare
    • Nursery

    • Day Care

    • After-School Care

    • Christian School

    • Church Services

    • Bible Studies

    • Prayer

    • Mentoring & Resources

  • "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit widows and orphans in their time of trouble."

    James 1:17

Take action today for a brighter tomorrow.

Where We Work


    Love Albania - David and Valbona Pennoyer

    Raising a Generation of Faith through education, assistance, and action toward a glorious future.

    Through the Durrës Christian Centre Foundation, we are on a mission to communicate God’s love to the unchurched of our generation in a language they can understand through a growing network of healthy relationships.



    Open Doors Foundation - Hardi & Beti Kubassak

    Open Doors Foundation focuses on sharing the love, light and hope that Jesus Christ gives. There are numerous facets to this ministry that reach out to the least, the last, and the lost.

    Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we have been able, with the help of our partners and, donors, to demonstrate the love of Christ providing food, supplements, medical supplies, and more to thousands of refugees as well as people who have been displaced within Ukraine.

    The ministry here in Romania started 23 years ago and became a registered NGO in 2006. Thanks to all who share to make this ministry possible blessings.

    Check out their Facebook page here.


    Poor Uplift Social Habitation (PUSH) Society - Samuel Azariah Geddam

    Want to know more about the work in India? Please contact Hardi Kubassek by email here:


    Our missionaries serve in some of the most dangerous parts of our world, where war and religious persecution are prominent. They aim to bring aid and spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who may have not heard it.

  • Through the work of GCCM, “God gave me a reason to live and to help my daughters grow.”

    Anila Dyrmishi

Do You Want…

  • To be an agent of change in the lives of people in need?

  • To invest in the next generation of leaders?

  • To leave a lasting legacy for generations to come?

  • To be kept informed of your impact?

  • To make a tax-deductible donation and know that at least 90% of your donation goes directly to the cause?

  • To help fulfill the Greatest mission on Earth?

Here’s What You Can Do Today to Help Create a Brighter Future Tomorrow


What You Give Today Affects Eternity. Want to help people experiencing poverty in Albania, Romania, or India? Position your gift for the most significant impact by clicking the button below to visit our secure online giving platform.

Every donation to GCCM is tax-deductible and goes towards seeing lives transformed by the power of God.


Let Your Prayers Be the Vehicle That Brings the Healing Touch of God's Grace.

Your prayers are a direct connection with God. As a Christian organization, we firmly believe in the power of prayer. We have seen God do marvelous miracles over the years. Join our community in praying for the needs and challenges faced by the individuals and communities we serve.

Becoming a prayer partner is easy; sign up for our newsletter, and updates and requests will be sent directly to your email inbox.


Experience God’s Work First hand! David and Valbona Pennoyer are planning a vision trip next year, and you are invited to travel with them to Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia. This trip will be unforgettable; you’ll catch a new vision of our world and ministry as you witness firsthand what God is doing in the lives of many individuals.

During your visit, you will have the opportunity to participate in our Children's Bible School, nursery, and feeding program, and if the timing is right, assist in providing food bags to widows, single mothers, and impoverished families.

You will also have time to enjoy the beautiful Adriatic and Ionian seas and explore historical sites. If you are interested in participating or learning more about this incredible opportunity to get involved and make a direct impact, contact us as soon as possible.

Stay Connected

We’d love to connect with you! To stay informed on project advancement, testimonials, needs, prayer requests, praise reports, and more, sign up to receive our newsletter straight to your email inbox.

We have a rich history of influencing positive change in our world. Click to read more.